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HomeFix fractured and broken teeth without extraction

Fix fractured and broken teeth without extraction

Fix fractured and broken teeth without extraction

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Root canal procedure for broken teeth
Veneers for chipped teeth
Dental implants to replace teeth
Fractured and broken teeth

One way to fix fractured and broken teeth without extraction is by root canal therapy. Other ways include the use of veneers, crowns and implants. The appropriate procedure will vary depending on each patient’s situation.

Fractures, cracks or chips on the teeth might be caused by sports or just daily living (e.g. biting hard on food). It can also be caused by unfortunate accidents wherein the impact caused the teeth to break or get partially dislodged. The extent of the damage might vary. Also, the angle of the damage might also determine which procedure is appropriate to fix the problem.

Root canal procedure for broken teeth

This is done to prevent infection. After all, cracks and chips will expose part of the nerve material inside the tooth. If the bacteria get access to that area, infection will probably result (which can further damage the tooth and lead to tooth loss).

Root canal procedures work by removing the nerve contents and disinfecting the area (ensure no bacteria will grow inside). Then, a filling material and crown will be applied to help the tooth resume its normal function (usually in separate dental visits).

Veneers for chipped teeth

Veneers are usually placed solely for aesthetic purposes. It’s a straightforward approach in covering the chipped or crooked appearance of a tooth. However, whether or not placement of veneers is appropriate is still up to the dentist’s evaluation.

In addition, some of your tooth structure will have to be removed so the veneer will fit perfectly (and avoid the tooth from looking too bulky). It’s important to know these kinds of risks before committing to this procedure.

Dental implants to replace teeth

Some injuries might result to almost total dislodgement of the whole tooth structure. Perhaps there’s little of the tooth left after the injury. It’s also possible that the tooth’s crack goes beyond the gum line. For these cases, a dental implant is usually the final option to restoring your great smile.

Many patients are still uncomfortable about implants because some reported it to be feeling unnatural. Moreover, the cost is still a lot higher compared to other dental procedures. It’s recommended to ask the dentist about the other options before committing to implant.

Fractured and broken teeth

Here at Kissing Point Dental, we will provide you with comprehensive options so you’ll know the advantages, risks and costs. Our friendly staff and dentists take the time in determining and addressing your concerns.

Call us today at 02 9144 1746 or visit our clinic at 2 Post Office St, Pymble NSW 2073. You can set up both a convenient or emergency appointment.